Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Am I in a Circus?

As a working mom in a two-income family, there's a constant juggling act (I unfortunately, do NOT know how to really juggle). From the moment I get up to the moment I lay my weary head down, there is something to be done (and then some!).

Typical day for me (weekday):
6:20 am - Built-in alarm yelling "Mommy, where are you?"
6:30 am - Get milk and his clothes
6:35 am - Change into clothes for the day
6:40 am - Wrestle with him to keep his clothes on/divert attention
6:55 am - Gather my clothes for the day/get dressed
7:15 am - Find my gym clothes and items to take to work for the day
7:25 am - Give hugs and kisses/gather my things/make breakfast (PB sandwich and milk)
7:30 am - First attempt to leave house
7:32 am - Run back in to grab whatever I forgot
7:33 am - Second attempt to leave
8:05 am - If traffic is nice to me, arrive at work
noon - workout and eat lunch
4:30 pm - Leave work/brave traffic home
5:05 pm - Pick up from daycare
5:10 pm - Convince my son that the store/gas station/post office is the best place ever
5:12 pm - Stop at home for random missed toy
5:15 pm - Run errand
6:00 pm - Start cooking dinner (microwaves are heaven sent!!)
6:30 pm - Try to eat dinner
7:00 pm - Play outside or some type of entertainment that is not TV
8:00 pm - Navigate bath/book/bed routine (husband gets son ready while I do random chore)
9:00 pm - Back downstairs for some "alone" time
9:30 pm - Back upstairs to sleep
9:35 pm - Asleep

Of course, schedule changes from day to day, but the routine of the motions stays pretty constant. Sometimes this gets all thrown out the window when juggling a cranky, sick, sad, excited or otherwise described two-year-old random mood variation.

The funny part is that even though I loathed the thought of routine and "structure" prior to having a child, it doesn't bother me one bit. I love doing everything. I love juggling all the random things that come my way.

Some days are harder than others, but at the end of the day,
it's worth every second.

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